Y’all・o・gy / yôl・ǝjē / (n) the study of the second-person-plural pronoun, contraction of you-all; the study of Texas linguistics; a catchphrase for all things Texan.

Howdy, y’all. I am Derrick Jeter, the author of Blood Touching Blood. Welcome to my newsletter, Y’allogy.

Background on the Name Y’allogy

The etymology of y’all is murky, but this much is clear—to the consternation of my fellow Texans—Texans didn’t invent the word. Y’all most likely migrated into Texas from Appalachia or southern states like South Carolina. But this much is certain, y’all never found a better home than in the mouth of a Texan. Y’all never sounded sweeter than when spoken with a Texas drawl or a Texas twang.

Like the Lone Star, longhorns, and bluebonnets, y’all embodies the spirit of Texas. Y’allogy captures that spirit—its valor and swagger. It is a celebration of all things Texas—its past, people, and places—from the Alamo to Zavala. It is a newsletter of, by, and for Texans—and lovers of Texas.

Ride for the Y’allogy Brand

Like the motto of Texas, Y’allogy is a friendly place, so articles are free. As a working writer, however, I depend on the financial generosity of subscribers and buyers of my literary western, Blood Touching Blood. Those are the folks who ride for the brand.

For $5/month or $50/year, those who ride for the brand receive:

  • A baker’s dozen of my favorite Texas quotations. (I’m currently working on a book of Texas quotations. Upon completion, an autographed copy will be made available for all paid subscribers.)

  • An original chili recipe from the San Antonio Chili Queens.

  • The satisfaction of knowing that 10 percent of your subscription fee is donated to historical and cultural institutions working to keep the history and culture of Texas alive.

  • The gratification of knowing you helped keep a one horse operation in business.

  • My gratitude.

Ride for the Y'allogy Brand

The Whys and Wherefores of Y’allogy

Y’allogy is a newsletter that wrangles with serious Texas historical questions, laughs with y’all about Texas braggadocio, reviews books, movies, and television programs related to Texas, celebrates Texas songs and poetry, passes on Texas trivia, and offers chili insights and personal reflections.

  • First Three Thursdays of the Month

    Y’allogy is published on the first, second, and third Thursday of every month.

  • Special Editions

    In additional to the thrice-monthly newsletters, special editions of Y’allogy are published on March 2, March 6, and April 21—for obvious reasons (for those who know).

Subscribe to Y'allogy

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter/X @derrickjeter where I post, “This day in Texas history,” as well as other Texas related subjects. Y’all can always find more at derrickjeter.com.

My website, Twitter/X feed, and Y’allogy are 1836 percent pure bred, open range Texas.

Subscribe to Y'allogy

Texan spoken here, y'all.


I write stories about the people, places, and past of the Lone Star, seeking to capture a Texas that once was, is now no more, and will never come again. I am the author of the literary western BLOOD TOUCHING BLOOD.